Monday, May 27, 2024

Mercy, Bailey, and Della

I did take Ford to a prospective adopter over near Richmond on Sunday. We met the other resident dog, a young, friendly, female hound, and the two dogs seemed to hit it off. I left him there and have been  holding my breath since then. But this evening I sent a message asking how their first day had been and things seemed to be going well. She had walked them both together both Sunday and Monday and said they did very well. Ford barked from his crate at 5:00 a.m. this morning, but that's just the usual getting up time around here. Hopefully he will learn the joys of sleeping in.

Mercy is down to just Norman as a foster companion, although Bailey joined the two of them out in Daneland for much of the day. 

I walked Della and Bailey up at Pleasant Grove late in the afternoon, but it was still too hot for Della. We went very slow and stopped wherever there was shade and waited until Della said it was time to move on. Any walks for her will need to be very early morning from now until fall. 

The dusk to dark pasture run has become an everyday thing around here, for most of the dogs, but it's really mostly for Norman. He enjoys it and it makes him ready for bed.

Mercy having a chew.

Bailey and Mercy

Baby girl Bailey

Della and Bailey on today's walk. No one pulled me.

 Bailey doing an "up" and walking on the bleachers.

Cooling in the shade.

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