Sunday, May 19, 2024

Elvis and the beer crowd

Saturday was the Bases Loaded beer festival at Patch Brewing Company. It rained a lot Friday night and it was still trying to on Saturday morning. It finally settled down to an intermittent drizzle and had mostly stopped by mid-afternoon when the festival was happening. That wasn't good for business, but it turned out to be a nice day with a nice, albeit light, crowd. 

I took Elvis and he once again proved to be a charismatic entertainer. If I'm out with Della I'm never surprised when random people stop to comment on what a striking dog she is. Della expects it too, and she very much enjoys it. I always figured that with a dog like Elvis we could pretty much fly under the radar. Not so. He loves everyone and wants to meet everyone. But what surprises me is how many people are attracted to Elvis. People I knew were happy to meet him of course, but complete strangers came up to me throughout the day saying that they had been watching Elvis and wanted to meet him. Elvis never met a stranger he didn't like. He has a much better opinion of humans than I do and he gives everyone the benefit of the doubt, if he even has a doubt. Elvis and I occupy opposite ends of the social ability spectrum, which makes him a great companion at a beer festival, or any other event.

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