Saturday, May 11, 2024

Vet day, play day

 Norman needed a heartworm test. Paisley, Ford, and Odie needed vaccines. Erika arranged an at-home vet visit at Green Dogs for these and some others in the rescue who needed the same. It was much easier and less stressful than hauling them all into town at various times during the week. And it all went smoothly. Norman is also getting some antibiotics because he tore a big chunk of skin off one of his legs while jumping over the dog yard fence yesterday. I wish he wouldn't do that, but the Malinois in him won't be denied. 

I did some more planting in the afternoon after the vetting was done and we  had an early dinner with Clay's mother and brother, which got me home in time for a good pasture run with eight of our nine dogs. I thought it was a bit much for Candace, she will do her own thing outdoors later without needing to dodge several hundred pounds of much younger dogs. It had rained enough to make the grass wet, but no one cared. I've said before that it's a great time of year to be a dog around here. It was also one of those days that makes me very happy that we have several acres of fenced property to share with multiple dogs.

Norman, Della, and Ford


Paisley, Odie, Mercy, Della (in the tall grass behind)

After the little bit of rain, the sky cleared and it was a beautiful evening.



Bailey and Norman on left, Mercy (front right)

Della and Paisley


Front to back: Norman, Della, Odie, and Mercy

Ford and Paisley

Paisley, and Elvis' tail on the left

Odie, Ford, and Elvis


A nice group shot: Mercy, Bailey, Odie, Ford, and Norman.

Odie and Norman

Della and Bailey
Notice that Bailey's ears are both up because if Della is running it must be important.

Odie will be going to his new home on Wednesday.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I just noticed that Odie also has a sleeve.