Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The p.m. life

The abbreviation "p.m." as used here stands for "post-Maya." Things always change after a dog's departure, even if it was a short term foster dog who got adopted. So it's to be expected that there will be some changes after the death of a long term resident like Maya. Some were more or less anticipated, other changes are more subtle and less expected.

We only had two dogs in the bedroom after Maya's death, Della and Elvis. I didn't like that and Bailey was happy to move into the bedroom to fill that void. Of course she wanted to sleep in bed, but Elvis is all the dog we need actually in the bed. Without too much convincing Bailey has been pretty good about using one of the dog beds on the floor, usually on my side of the room. Della has made it clear that the big elevated bed on Clay's side of the room belongs to Della.  

We had been keeping Paisley shut in the kitchen at night, but not crated. She would poop on the floor down there more often than not. With Bailey no longer sleeping in the office, I was concerned that Odie would need company, so we've been giving Paisley free reign of the upstairs at night, uncrated, and she sleeps on one of the dog beds in the room with Odie. The pooping has stopped, which was an unexpected but pleasant surprise. 

I still can't get used to the fact that there's no dog at my feet under my desk. Ford would like to fill that spot, and sometimes Bailey, but I'm not putting another dog bed under there any time soon.

Candace, Della, and Elvis in the front room in the morning.

Mornings still start ridiculously early, often closer to 5:00 a.m. rather than 6:00, but I refuse to go outside to feed until it's light. 

Bailey trying to get Della to play.

She next tried me.

Candace wishes we'd all leave her alone until a decent hour to get up.

Ford eating on the front porch of the dog yard shed.

Today was the monthly heartworm prevention day, which means everyone gets some canned food along with the dry. It's a big day.

Della is always ready to eat, but canned food really gets her interest.

Odie has been adopted as a result of his meet and greet the other day, but he will still be with us until early next week. He enjoyed heart worm prevention day. 

Bailey liked it too, but even canned food only warrants one ear up. The second ear is reserved for hunting.

Mercy and Odie enjoying the shade on an elevated platform.

I took Della for a morning walk, but the sun was shining, it was humid, and we had to take it pretty slow. I should have gone out about 7:00 or even 8:00 a.m. The carnival was setting up and she wondered about all the stuff that usually isn't there.

Beautiful wild flowers.


The dog yard doesn't have that much shade during the day, so I brought Mercy and Odie inside when Della and I got back from our walk.


Mercy playing with Candace in the front yard.
Candace was somewhat amused, but she's not up to Mercy's level of play.

After I had everyone else back inside, I picked up a tennis ball and threw it for Paisley. We were engaged in a game of fetch for the next 15 minutes or so. It's the most normal and appropriate dog behavior I've seen out of her. She would be best as an only dog. Sort of like Max, she gets overstimulated easily and doesn't react appropriately.

Norman, Odie, Mercy, Bailey, and Elvis had a good pasture run as I did some mowing, but it was getting too dark for pictures.


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