Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Norman's turn

I was wanting to title this post "The Norman Conquest" but that really sets the wrong tone. Unlike his Norman predecessors in 1066, this Norman literally had a walk in the park without harming any Saxons, or even the bunny we saw. 

I was also thinking about the the strange man vs. bear in the woods scenario, and it occurred to me that meeting Norman in the woods would be preferable to both (although the bear is the obvious second choice). Norman is quite bear-like in appearance, but he's better on a leash and I'm sure he smells better. 

We had a nice walk. I used a gentle leader on him and that was really all I needed although I had a backup slip lead on him just in case. I actually wanted to use a prong collar as back up in case things went south (and to annoy Erika), but I couldn't lay my hands on one readily this evening. 

We pretty much had the park to ourselves. There was some gathering of people at the pole barn but we avoided them, as well as one person walking a dog. The hoards of people usually on the sports ball fields were gone by the time we arrived, which was very nice, so there was no traffic on the dirt road that we walk through the park. 

Norman was very happy to get to go and he was as good as he could be. He can be Bailey's plus one on future walks. We got home in time for everyone to have about a half hour of pasture time as it was getting dark.


This would have been a pretty sunset picture.

1 comment:

Risa said...

Yay Norman. What a handsome boy. I hope you find your fur-ever home soon.