Thursday, May 16, 2024

Progress pics and others

Here are a few pictures to show how the gardens are progressing, and there's a few dog pics thrown in too, big surprise.

The flamingo garden

My new raised perennial garden


Della stopping at one of the fountains for a drink

Della in the grass, with Candace in the background

Candace has been having more difficulty getting up and getting around,
but today was a good day and she went outside often.

I took Bailey and Elvis on an evening walk.

After the walk, there was still enough daylight left for a pasture run.
Everyone went out but I didn't get pictures of them all.

Being deaf has some advantages, Ford isn't scared by the mower sound.
Norman won't come around when I'm riding on it as I was tonight.

Ford follows right behind me.

Mercy spent the day in Daneland with Norman, Ford, and Bailey,
but I'm sure she was missing Odie. 

Della and Ford

Ford and Elvis

The new solar lights in Daneland work very well.

The solar candles in the garden are very pretty after dark.

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