Thursday, May 23, 2024

Evening pasture time

I spent the evening doing yard work, mowing and trimming, managed to break a mower, but got a lot done nevertheless. There was still about an hour's worth of daylight for some pasture time. Candace had been outside and was ready to come in when everyone went to the pasture. Paisley was being extra weird this evening and wouldn't come through the gate so she stayed in the yard, but Della, Bailey, Elvis, Norman, Ford, and Mercy all had a good time running and hunting in the pasture. 

Norman, on top of playstation K9





Bailey and Elvis

Norman has been staying out in the pasture until well after dark most evenings this week, but I made him come in when I went back in the house because I knew I'd be too tired to go back out and get him later. He wasn't so happy about that but he had already had a good run.

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