Thursday, January 28, 2010

Walking with Emmylou and Rocky

Emmylou and I have been taking short walks at Pleasant Grove this week. The trail along the river bank is probably too muddy and I know it's too steep for someone as out of shape as I am, so we have been walking the flat open land. I've been leaving Molly at home because she would want to go farther and faster than Emmy and I want to. Emmy would do her best to keep up and it would end up hurting us both. She's been pretty content with a short walk and a slow pace, Molly would not be. We spotted a herd of deer on Tuesday and she told Clay about it when he got home that night.

Today we took Rocky along. He's been mostly laying around for the past couple of months he's gotten fat. The extra sympathy food he's been getting has made matters worse, although he still eats like a starving dog. Apparently he never lost his appetite when he was at VaTech for the surgery. Anytime this dog doesn't eat, he's sick. I've never seen him sick enough to turn down food and I hope I never do.

He was ready to get out and go too. Rocky doesn't walk well on a leash so Emmy had to help me keep him more or less in line and moving forward. She gave me that "why did he come along?" look a couple of times, but she was a good sport about it. Rocky had a great time and is sleeping soundly this evening.

Rocky seems to be doing pretty good. We are seeing our regular vet tomorrow to remove stitches from the first surgery and for a general look over. I believe he has less hearing than before, in fact he may be pretty much totally deaf now. But if the surgery prevents a recurrence of the infection and draining and the pain, it will be worthwhile.

We will try to get in a city walk after tomorrow's vet appointment.

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