Saturday, September 24, 2011

Saturday pictures

Sable (former foster) came along today when Ryland came back from his vacation home.
Sable was happy enough to see me but made it clear that she wasn't staying.

Bo being petted, Ryland on the other side of the fence

Bo, in a nice stance.
He's hard to photograph up close but is more confident from a distance.

Bo, looking very rottweilery

Cooper, a former foster, at the Vegetarian Festival today.
Cooper loves a social occasion.
Cooper and Teddy are coming to stay with us next week.

Gypsy Jr. at the Veg Fest today.
She had a good time.
Ryland marked every bush in Lee Park this afternoon.
He's rather indifferent to crowds of people and dogs.
His basic attitude is "piss on it." 

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