Friday, July 26, 2019

Della's Night Out

The neighbors came to puppysit so Della and Clay and I could all leave the house together. It's the first time Della has been out since the puppies were born except for a trip to the vet I guess. It's the first time since the puppies were born that Clay and I have left the house together.

The occasion was a fundraiser event for Green Dogs at Castle Hill Cider. It's a beautiful place and it was a perfect evening for it. Della was a bit nervous at first but she relaxed and enjoyed herself after a while. She definitely prefers strange people to strange dogs. It was a good place to take her because there were a lot of Green Dogs volunteers and supporters there who knew Della but hadn't actually met her. I met a few people for the first time as well.

And for you puppy-addicted people:

This is all 12 pups around one food bowl. We use two but when the first one goes down, they
all go to that one. Then I pull the three or four smallest ones off and put them onto the second
bowl so they can eat without so much competition. The big ones always get plenty, the trick is
making sure the smaller ones get enough.


Claire said...

That’s fantastic news that Della and you both had an evening out!! I bet it was a much needed break for all of you. I’m even more sorry now that I missed this event. Thank you for the puppy pics too! They’re sooo cute! :)

Anonymous said...

Yay for date night.