Friday, September 6, 2019

Puppy Visit

Duvel spent the day here today. Seems that both of his parents had to work, at the same time. It was nice to see him and nice to have a puppy here again. I put him back out in the Puppy Palace but left the air conditioner off and the door open because it was such a nice day.

Della still does the puppy take down, knocking them down
with her big paw, and then rolls them over.
I found lots of excuses to go out and visit him and took another dog along on most visits so he had the experience of meeting more adult dogs. Della he knew, of course, and she was the roughest with him, knocking him down, partially laying on him, and chewing on him. I'm not sure what her message was, maybe teaching him how big Danes play? She didn't hurt him, but she was treating him more like a grown dog than a puppy at this point. Serena was much gentler. She sniffed and checked him out, but knew that he wasn't really suitable for her style of big dog play yet. Maya just checked him over and then went on exploring the rest of the kennel. She had never been out there. The first time I was out with Duvel and then came back to the house, the other indoor dogs really sniffed me and checked me over, aware that at least one puppy was back.

It was a nice day and I didn't really want to work, so I started a project out there so I could spend more time with Duvel. I'm expanding Della's Beer Garden (a/k/a the Puppy Palace Kennel). I've actually joined it up with the other kennel and shed out there, the one we've always called Rottweiler World, which was Sparky's home for several years. The expansion will make one very large kennel or a second dog yard, with access to two sheds for interior shelter space. It also encompasses all of the area to the back fence. It's a pretty large space, but it's a single space, so if there were multiple dogs out there they would all have to get along. I think I'll have enough kennel panels left that I could divide it if necessary. Rottweiler World was overgrown with weeds and was otherwise needing some updating, so this is accomplishing project as well.

I'll do a video to show the new enclosure when it's complete, hopefully tomorrow.

The table used to be safe place for a cup of coffee or anything
I wanted to keep away from the puppies, but no more.

Duvel greeting Serena

Serena waking up Duvel from a nap.

This is the smallest bed in the house, I put it under my desk
so it would be Maya's spot. Even she needs to curl up to fit
on it comfortably. But that didn't stop Della from moving in
and sharing it with her today. 

This is the proper Dane sleeping arrangement at night.

Maya, checking out Duvel, probably wondering why
he was back here and if the others were coming too.


JoAnn Fawley said...

Love reading your blogs and all the love you have for fostering. Thank you for sharing. Friend of Jan and Paul, JoAnn

Renee said...

That is so great! These pups are Della's gift that keeps on giving :)

Anonymous said...

Wow. Duvel is a big boy now.