Saturday, November 16, 2019

Karma & Galaxy Go Home

When we were able to spring Galaxy from the shelter it was apparent as soon as we brought him home and he was one of Karma's puppies from a litter born about nine months ago. They were happy to see each other again and they pretty much stuck together all the time they were here. They got adopted separately but they both left today to start their new lives.
Karma's "sit" technique is to back up until
she runs into something and then sit on it.
She has a nice, tall, straight-backed sit.

Karma's folks drove down here yesterday from Connecticut. They arrived early enough to spend several hours with Karma around here. That was important in her case because she's kind of wary of strangers. They came in, sat down, and started feeding treats to both Karma and Galaxy so it didn't take long before they were welcome guests. They got up early again this morning and left with Karma at 5:00 a.m., arriving back in Connecticut in time for daylight introductions to Karma's new dog and cat housemates. It seems that everything is going well.

Galaxy didn't go nearly as far to his new home. He went to one of the local adopters of one of Della's pups. Galaxy is a few months older but he's still a puppy himself and the two dogs had already met and played well together.

As of tonight we have no more Dane fosters. This is the first time I can say that since before we took in Della last May. In fact we are now down to just one foster dog, the German Shepherd, Kaiser, and I'm working on finding him a home too. No more until after Thanksgiving. I'm going away for a few days leaving Clay solely in charge of the dogs, so fewer fosters will make things easier on him.

Here's Karma on the small bed under my desk that is
intended only for Maya. She didn't get that memo.
Karma's nice "sit".

Galaxy has a pretty good "sit" too.

I'm glad that Karma and Galaxy left on the
same day.


Karma (left) and Galaxy (right)
Theo, Kaiser, and Galaxy

Galaxy in front, and Karma behind

Karma and Galaxy checking out Karma's ride to her new home.

Galaxy with his new younger brother, Mo-Dean.

The two pups played really well together when we got them
together last weekend.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Looks like they both hit the new home jackpot.