Monday, November 25, 2019

Heading out for Thanksgiving

I'm heading to Kentucky tomorrow for Thanksgiving. Clay is staying here. Preparing to go out of town always brings on a flurry of activity, trying to do everything I have put off for too long.

Sunday was a nice day and I decided it was time to finally re-assemble the boardwalk that runs from the house out to the dog yard. I had built it a few winters back to solve part of the mud problem. That side of the house gets little or no direct sun and stays perpetually muddy in the winter. I had built the boardwalk in sections knowing that someday I'd need to be able to get a vehicle across the area. That someday was this summer when the puppy palace was delivered on the back of a very large flatbed truck. I had been wanting to get it put back together again, but it wasn't until the recent rainy (muddy) weather that I really needed to get it done.

That got done on Sunday and then I went out to the pasture with dogs while I did some brush clearing. That's where most of these pictures came from. Today I've been pushing hard to get my work done, cooking done, and packing done. All that is left now is packing some clothes for the trip. Clay can't make it this year, which is unfortunate, but it will be good for the dogs to have him here anyway.

Here's the final section ready to be put into place. 

I need to replace a couple boards and give it a
good power washing, but it's nice to have a dry
walkway to the dog yard. As you can see, the
sun never quite gets to this area.

This is Della trying to teach Kaiser to play
like a Dane.

Max, Kaiser, and Theo


Debbie said...

What beautiful dogs! People think I'm crazy when I say I'd rather have snow then rain but these people don't have dogs or horses. Sadly all my horses are across the Rainbow Bridge.

Risa said...

I love how Della and Serena appear to be best girl friends.
Happy Thanksgiving to the whole pack!