Sunday, November 17, 2019

Weekend Wrap Up

Karma left here at 5:00 a.m. Saturday morning. I tried to go back to bed for a while but I got up after another hour or so. I called the vet at 8:00 a.m. because I needed to get Della in for a rabies vaccine. Everything else had been done on her but somehow that was still missing and I had been forgetting about it. They had an opening at 9:30 a.m. so it wasn't long before we were heading to town.

Della is always ready to go and will hop into any open vehicle at any time even if she doesn't know where it's going. She got her rabies vaccine, which was quick and easy, and I got a chance to weigh her. She was 115 pounds when she finally stood still on the scale. I think that weight is perfect for her. She looks good, slim but solid, no extra weight. I think we'll try to hold onto that number.

Kaiser came along with us because I had been talking to someone who was interested in him, but I needed to know how he was with cats. We went to Clay's mother's house to meet her cat, Portia. I think we took her by surprise and she reacted with the arched back and then disappeared. I don't think Kaiser knew what to make of her. He wasn't overtly aggressive, but he was zeroed in on the cat, very focused attention. I could re-direct his attention, but if I wasn't there to do so, it would have been all focused on the cat. I think a cat-free home would be best for him. If the cat and owner knew how to handle a dog it might work, but I had the impression if the cat ran he would have ran after it. Once that sets in, it's easy for it to escalate to snatch and grab. Better safe than sorry.
Della doesn't know what's happening when
we go to the vet, but she's always been good.
She seems to trust me to make everything ok.

After we got back home it was time for Galaxy to go off to his new home. He spent the afternoon playing with Mo-Dean until they were both tired out. Karma made it home to Connecticut and was introduced to her dog and cat family. It all went well and everyone played together nicely. I spent the rest of the afternoon cooking, mostly beginning to prepare things that I'll take for Thanksgiving.

I got up pretty early Sunday morning and baked about eight dozen cookies and grilled a couple steaks for breakfast. Then Maya and Della and I went for a hike. It was chilly but I dressed appropriately and we had a good three mile walk in the woods.

Look where the shepherd nose is pointing
and you can see a black cat perched on top
of a wing chair.

He didn't make any real serious effort to get
to the cat, but only because I had him on a
short leash.

I don't think he knew what the cat was, but he was
definitely interested.

Sometimes I think Della would rather share a bed than have one to herself.

Maya definitely prefers to have her bed to herself. Serena tolerates the sharing very well.

My first round of cookie baking for the season.

Maya knows the trails, Della is learning and she's learning from the best.

Serena is not really a cold weather fan.

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