Thursday, June 10, 2021

Bruno and Hugo and Kaya

It was a busy day. I drove Bruno up to meet his adopter. That went well and Bruno is in his new home tonight.

Golden boy has a new name, Hugo. He had his first pasture run today but he didn't really explore at all, he just wanted to play ball, or frisbee, or stick, or whatever. He wanted to retrieve. He met the Danes, and Max, as well as Kaya. No problems, he just wanted to play ball. 

Kaya came back to us today. Too much energy and power for the adopters, especially after one was injured and another is facing knee replacement surgery. The right home is out there for her, we just need to find it.

He's a sweet boy. Farewell dear Bruno.

Purslane from my garden. This stuff loves the sun.

I can't wait for this lotus flower to bloom.


Serena and Della walking out with Kaya and Hugo

Hugo was torn between the frisbee and big rubber balls.
Basically he would go after anything that was thrown.

These balls are Serena's favorites and she usually has them to herself.
He made off with one but she found another.

Hugo meeting Max, nose to nose. 

Kaya and Max

He was running in the pasture and I knew he was hot, so I led him to the water tank.
He hopped in and laid right down. 

Della and Kaya up on Playstation K9

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