Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Rainy days are Kong days

Della is rather bored on rainy days. She doesn't like being rained on and it's the only time that it's easy to get her back inside. Everyone just sort of hunkered down and waited it out. We went outside whenever the rain stopped. Max spent most of the day indoors with the rest of us.

The new golden boy showed me some things today. He wouldn't challenge an older dog over food or toys. He absolutely loves anything that can be thrown and caught. He's been trained to catch, retrieve, and do it over and over. When he came inside this evening he found a couple Kong toys that were laying around. No one here plays with them but he recognized them, chose one, and immediately brought it to me. He would lay it in a chair next to me rather than drop it on the floor where another dog might get it. And OMD, can this boy catch! He never missed a catch when I made an even halfway reasonable throw. He jumped up and even did a backward twist to catch one that wasn't a very good throw. He's obviously done a lot of this and he obviously enjoys it. The other dogs just looked at him like he was stupid and got a little jealous that he was getting so much of my attention. 

I think this boy is going to be fun. 

Maya and Della took turns enjoying the new bed under my desk. 
It's the perfect size for the spot between the legs of the desk.

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