Saturday, January 27, 2024

Backwards day

Actually the day didn't go backwards, but my telling of it will. When I upload multiple pictures, the Microsoft/Google magic puts the pictures in the order in which they appeared on my camera. Except when it doesn't. Today was one of those "doesn't" days and it put the pictures in reverse order. I even tried selecting them in reverse order, thinking that reversing that would put them in the correct order, but no.  

Middle to late afternoon we went up to Patch to try their new beer. It was good but they still had my favorite on tap so I tasted Clay's "Untouched by Monks" tripel but drank a couple pints of the Cu Later copper ale. Bailey came along and accepted many treats from me and quite a few from other people as well. She's definitely easy to win over.

Gus was there as well and he was staring at me with starving eyes when he saw me freely passing out treats to Bailey.  It's a good thing that I had plenty because I was soon passing them out to Gus as well.

Bailey has the most adorable look, but she kicks it up another level when there are treats involved.

Earlier in the day, I had Norman out for a run in the pasture and then he hung around in the back of the van while I was airing up tires on both vehicles.

Norman had a good run in the pasture.

This is near the end of my walk with Elvis and Bailey Saturday morning.

Don't they look like characters from some live action canine adventure movie?

Bailey has grown. I need to find some Bailey/Elvis pictures from when she first arrived. I don't think she was much bigger than he was back then.

The start of our Saturday morning walk. 

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