Saturday, February 3, 2018

The Tennessee Walker

Tennessee Blue got neutered on Wednesday so he's been on activity restriction and he doesn't like it. He wants to go out to the dog yard to bark and run with the shepherds but I won't let him. He really doesn't need to learn to act like a shepherd even if he thinks it's fun. Today I took him on a hike to try to work some of the energy out of him. 
I'm sure he thought it was the best idea I've had all week. He was out front the entire way. He did surprisingly little marking and sniffing, mostly he just wanted to be out and moving. Maya was with us, of course, but she and I had already done over three miles with Lenny earlier in the day, so she was content to walk next to me most of the time so I really only had Tenny's leashes to actively manage.

We did spot some deer, however, and that got Maya's attention and because she got excited he did too, even though I'm not sure he had seen the deer. There were several people and dogs at Pleasant Grove when we arrived, but it was late in the day and most of them were finishing up. We went into the woods on the trails and by the time we got back up to the open fields everyone was gone. 

The big leather harness I have barely fits him and I'm not sure I'd want that to be my only point of attachment with the dog if he really decided to pull. I used a second leash on his collar but I'll probably figure out a different combination of equipment before our next hike. 
He's got a fine looking head.

Deer alert

A roll in the grass
All those handsome, dignified looking poses
go out the window when he wants to roll.

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