Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Very small steps

I had Monday off and did a lot of driving that day. Maya and Lenny accompanied me because Maya always does and Lenny needs to see more of the world, even from inside the van. We met Debbie and one of her dogs up in Culpeper where Debbie brought me a large amount of both canned and dry food that had been donated for foster dogs. I opened the door of the van so Lenny could see outside and he started to pee in the crate even before getting out. I put a leash on him and got him out of the van and he promptly pooped. I put him back in the van and did some clean up but got him out again a little later to at least meet the dog. He was a bit better, but maybe just because he was out of poop.

Today was a beautiful day and I squandered most of it working but this afternoon Lenny and I took a short walk down the road to where Felix lives. Felix is very outgoing and friendly, and he loves me. He was fine meeting Lenny but Lenny was freaked out by the new place and new people so he wasn't really prepared to play.

But, and here's the very small step of improvement, he didn't shit himself today. He let Felix's folks pet him and he finally took a treat from them after seeing Felix eat one of them himself. I want to go again and take Maya along next time. Hopefully Maya and Felix will play and then maybe Lenny will relax enough to join in. He needs a lot of new experiences and needs some of them to be repeated to see if his adaptation skills improve.

Felix tried his best, but he also didn't push Lenny.

Lenny found a bed on the porch and it became
his safe spot. He didn't move from it willingly,
but at least he let Paul and Jan touch him.


Anonymous said...

Poor Lenny.... baby steps.


Byron's Mom said...

I don't think I can articulate what I would like to do to the people who made Lenny this fearful. I will say that I have a dog who gets so nervous on car rides, that he leaves a "present" afterwards. I started giving him 3mg of melatonin before the car ride and that has helped a LOT. Granted the fears are different so I'm not saying it would work for Lenny. I am just so grateful he is with you!!