Monday, August 6, 2018

Everybody walks

Two to three miles is our limit for the duration of the heat and humidity. Most walks are just over two miles. Some days I do multiple walks, some days I take multiple dogs. The route is pretty much always the same, so my only variation is which dog or dogs accompany me and Maya. Everyone wants to go, but no one wants to be out there too long, especially me.

Maya has spotted something here. I don't remember
what it was, but you can tell by her ears and tail
that she's in full alert mode. The tail curves,
sweeps, and points straight up at the same time.

TJ is good for two miles even when it's hot, but I've
been leaving him home more than taking him lately.

This is a pretty good walking trio: TJ, Maya, and Rugger.

Max is blowing his coat now and he's got a lot of it.
Max and Theo. This was a day of multiple walks
and I had already taken Maya twice, so she was
happy enough to stay home on this one.

That harness is barely fitting around Theo's
belly now. I'm cutting his food back a little.
Max and Theo in the van.

TJ, Maya, and Mercedes
TJ in the van

I like this picture for the way it shows the color
and curve of Rugger's back and tail as one
continuous line.
Sparky's watering hole got dug out deeper in an earlier flood
and it's full again now with the recent rains. 

Maya always walks like she's confident and knows what she's doing,
which of course she does.

Hunter is always up for a walk.

Hunter standing in the water. I had to
encourage him to stand there to cool
off his feet as well as drink.
Rugger needs no encouragement to go into
the water.

On hot days we walk in the shade even if it's on the wrong
side of the road, and we stop and enjoy the shade for a while.

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