Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Second bath day

I washed five dogs yesterday. We have nine in the house right now, but only two more got bathed - Max and Theo. The two getting a pass are Vince, because of his age and general touchiness about being touched, and TJ. I seem to recall making a deal with TJ the last time I gave him a bath, that I wouldn't do that again and in exchange he wouldn't bite me. Maybe I made that deal with Vince, I'm not sure, but really all TJ needs is a good brushing.

Theo and Max are blowing their coats now so the bath was really about hair removal at least as much as dirt and smell removal. Both boys are old hands at this and both of them jumped right up onto the washing station when I asked. I secure them, of course, so I have two free hands for washing. The wash station is a real back saver, which is something I really need right now. Both dogs went back to the dog yard after the bath and they were dry by evening. Tomorrow "The Great Work Begins."

I hurt my back pretty bad on Monday
but I wanted to try a walk today.
I took Maya alone and only for
half a mile due to the fair at
Pleasant Grove and bugs down by
the river on the sandy beach trail.

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