Tuesday, August 28, 2018

A Sauna with Dogs

I think that our walks lately can more accurately be described as 40 minutes in a sauna with dogs. I took the three girls again this evening. They all wanted to go, I really did not, but I need to and I can't disappoint them without a good reason.

I might have stayed in if it was just Maya and Mercedes, but Coco really needs the walk and we need to bonding time. She's still skittish and scared to come to me, except when she does. At one point on the walk I stopped to take pictures, she turned around when I called her name and actually came up to me wagging her tail. There's progress, but it's slow. However, this evening in the office she came up to Clay, put her front legs up on his lap, and even gave him kisses. He must be the Chosen One.

Oh, and as I hoped and expected, the adoption of Rugger was tougher on me than it was on him, pics below.

Rugger + stick + river = happy dog
Rugger on the deck, looking like he's
had a bath and a good brushing.


Anonymous said...

Rugger's pictures made my day. Thanks for sharing.

Byron's Mom said...

Awww It looks like Rugger is settling in. I know it's so hard though!
That is very cute about Coco and Clay:-)