Sunday, March 29, 2020

Growing up Pups, part 4

Peroni is now known as Poppy. We always called her Pick-me-up-Peroni because she loved to be held. Even when the pups were still living upstairs in our guest room, Peroni would come up to Clay and me and sit at our feet and look up at us. She didn't jump, didn't claw, didn't bark, just looked. And that look is all it took. We'd snatch her up and hold her and that's what she always wanted.

She's a sweet, sweet girl and that hasn't changed. She's also the perfect fit for her new home. She has kids to play with but it's a quiet household and she's a quiet dog. She has only barked once so far, a small bark, and she scared herself doing it. I'm sure she has a big girl bark in her, but she's saving it for something truly important.

The fancy pants Poppy is wearing in this picture are because
Poppy has gone into heat already, as have the other girl pups. 

Abita is the one pup who was adopted out of the central Virginia area. She's just in northern Virginia, though, not all that far away and she came to the first mini-reunion we had back in December at the Santa Paws fundraiser for Green Dogs. Abita is one of the four merles, two of which were females (Abita and Maze) and two were males (Augie and MoDean), it's nice how that worked out. Abita went to the home of another prior foster, Clyde, who came to us in September, 2018, from south Georgia after a dogfighting ring was busted. Once Clyde got into his new home he refused to leave it. They have even had a vet make housecalls for Clyde because he refuses to go anywhere. Even though she came in as a puppy, she was a rather fearless puppy and so Abita might be just what Clyde needs to develop some confidence. Of course, if they've got everything they need at home, why go anywhere? We are all sort of working on developing that philosophy these days. 

Here's Abita and Clyde together.

The twelfth and final pup is Sierra. Unfortunately, I don't have any recent pictures of Sierra. When we were charting growth weights Sierra was always the largest of the females and for a while she was bigger than a few of the males as well.

Sierra was the final pup to go to her new home
which meant that we had a couple of days with
her alone. During that time she became the
first and only one of the pups to climb
to the top of the A-frame on her own.
(Well, with a bit of encouragement.)

Sierra also got a little one-on-one time with Della.
I even let her out of Daneland into the back yard, but Della
really didn't approve of that and kept trying to herd her back in.
Della's puppies, Della's rules. 

That's it for my look at the almost grown up 12 pack. We are planning a reunion around the time of their birthday, but that, like everything, is Corona-dependent right now. I suspect it may get delayed.

I'll end with another picture of Della, which is how this all began.

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