Monday, March 23, 2020

The cure for the blues

Peroni (in front) and Stella, as bookends.
Quarantined? Locked down? Bored? Tired of social distancing?
I've got the cure right here, the good stuff, puppy stuff.
And some pics of Della too, because she's the mom, she's my big girl, she's Della.
Happy National Puppy Day.


I know some people would have adopted the pups out a
few weeks sooner than we did, but there is no substitute for
what they can learn from their mother and their siblings.

I miss the door opening and seeing all those puppy faces.

Peroni and Abita

Peroni diving into the ball pit

That's Duvel on top. He used these the most of anyone.

When they got tired and were ready to go back into the shed
to sleep they would gather on, or under, the steps.

That should be Abita with the purple collar
on the top step. 

I love the expression on Carlsberg's face here.

This is Sierra, I know because she was the last
one to leave here and the first and only one that
climbed to the top of the A-frame.

We were all so lucky that Della was such a good mother.




Mother of the year

She had only delivered three or four at this
point but already looks so happy.

Have I mentioned that I love this girl?

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

Thank you for the cheer on an otherwise gloomy day!