Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Walking into Spring

Don't talk to me about robins, they overwinter here. The earliest sign of spring around here are the daffodils in bloom. And the forsythia coming out. If that's not enough, the port-a-johns have returned to Pleasant Grove. I don't use them myself, I pee in the woods with the dogs, but they've returned to the areas around the ball fields and pole barn, signaling the start of the spring sportsing season at the park.

I didn't get in nearly as much hiking  this winter as I have in the past. It wasn't cold enough to freeze the ground most of the time, but it has been wet enough to make mud. I'm going to try to make up for it this spring. Tuesday I did a five mile hike with Maya and Theo. Wednesday I did two separate two mile hikes:  Della and Serena; and then Della and Maya.

I'm looking forward to the time change this weekend. An extra hour of daylight in the evenings is very conducive to getting in more miles on the trails, and soon, mowing. As it is now, I feel like going to bed at 8:00 p.m. because it's dark outside and I have nothing fun to do inside.

I really like this picture of Sweet Serena.

Della is very serious about walking.

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