Saturday, March 14, 2020

Walking with the big girls

Well I finally did it. I walked Della and Serena together today. We did four miles on the trails and encountered a number of people and even deer. I had been doubtful about my ability to control both girls if they decided to bolt. Although I outweigh them both, maybe even combined, they have it all over me in terms of youthful strength and enthusiasm, and all around power if they were working together. The longer hikes I've been taking have helped, and my back is feeling pretty good these days, so I decided to give it a try.

Of course, I didn't rely just on my own strength. I put in a fix in the form of the Gentle Leaders on both girls. I walked them primarily with the rope harnesses, but both girls wore a Gentle Leader and carried a short leash that I could clip on them should the need arise. And I did have occasion to use them. When we got out into open areas and there were other people around I put the short leads on and walked with one dog on each side of me. We must have looked like we had our shit together. I spotted a group of deer at one point. The deer froze and stood stock still. I think Della saw them but she didn't react since they didn't move. I got the short leads on both girls and had them turned around before Serena ever saw them and before the deer bolted off into the woods. Potential crisis averted.

I saw a horse before the girls did, and I diverted them to another direction so we'll save that experience for another day. We encountered more just casual walkers than we usually do, but no off leash dogs, which was a blessing. I just pulled the girls off the trail and allowed them to pass, likewise with a biker who came up behind us. All things considered it was a success and I was very glad to be able to take Serena along with Della.

Here are the deer we saw. There were at least five of them.

A rare "sit" by Della. She never does it
when I ask for it and I'm not sure why she
did it here out on the trail.

Four miles, starting behind the library.

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