Saturday, March 26, 2022

Running with Maddie

Maddie came over for a run in the pasture this afternoon. It was a chilly, blustery spring day, with more clouds as the day went on that even brought some snow, hail, and cold rain in places. The last few days of rain flipped the switch on the cool season grasses, they are now green and growing fast.

Maddie ran with Tilly and Bonnie. The latter two are still pups and they loved having a big dog who would play with them. Maddie could easily outdistance them, but she ran just fast enough to lead them, always with her head turned back to make sure they were following.

The wind was cold so the dogs could run without overheating. Warm spring days are lovely, but there's something about a blustery day that is quite nice. Much like Maddie leading the other two dogs, the clouds and cold wind were out front today, but the promise of sunshine, blue sky, and warmer days is close behind.

Maddie, Bonnie (black Dane), and Tilly (mastiff)

Tilly and Maddie

Maddie and Bonnie

Between two Great Danes and one mastiff, there was plenty of drool.
Bonnie seemed to catch and wear more than her share of it.

Max did his own thing, as always.

Today was particularly good for Bonnie who needs to develop some muscle and coordination.

*Some of these pictures are from Sharen Montgomery who brought Maddie out to run today.

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