Sunday, November 19, 2023

Fall clean up

I know we need rain, and I'm actually hoping we get some, but this beautiful, dry autumn weather has been just wonderful. I'm going to Kentucky on Tuesday for Thanksgiving but I spent most of the weekend doing fall clean up around here. I usually wait until spring to clean up the dead plants and fallen leaves, but there was a certain satisfaction and sense of accomplishment in doing it this weekend. Now, I know that there are still leaves to fall and blow and I'll need to do it again, and yet again in the spring, but I got a good start on it this weekend, as well as covering or putting away the garden fountains to keep them safe until spring. 

I spent quite a few hours outdoors both days but only took pictures today. We put a new coat on Della this morning because it was quite chilly. It made her feel special and she got a lot of attention so of course, she loved it. Everyone got plenty of pasture time and it was quite pleasant in the afternoon sun.

Bailey is the only dog that Della allows to join her in the van.

We didn't see much of Elvis because he was out in the pasture hunting.

Della, Maya, and Candace

Maya and Paisley

Bailey and Elvis, on the hunt for field rats and mice.

Maya, Candace, Paisley, and Dodger

Candace really enjoys the pasture time.

Bailey, a/k/a Baby Girl


Della, Candace, and Paisley, as I was cleaning up the flamingo garden.

Dodger is becoming slightly more trusting.


Maya also spent a lot of time on the hunt.

Paisley and Candace

Elvis when he finally came in from hunting in the pasture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Della looks very elegant in her new coat.