Monday, November 27, 2023

Mental health walk

I have a case of the post-holiday blues. I hadn't walked for a while even before going away because I was busy with other things, so today was the first time since November 17th that I've been out on the trails. 

I knew I needed to get back to it, but I wasn't motivated. I was fed up with my failure to lose weight and was unwilling to cut more calories from my diet and unable to devote more time to burning them off. I've still been keeping my blood sugar in check but had pretty much said "fuck it" to the hope of fitting into a smaller pants before we go to Belgium in a couple weeks. (That's a goal I had been working toward over much of the past year.) 

So I wasn't in the mood to enjoy this and I didn't plan to walk very far. I took only Della so I wouldn't have more than one dog to annoy me. The first mile was like all first miles, just something to get through, to get the muscles loosened up and to get the heart and lungs working beyond the minimal, sluggish level needed to support sedentary activity. 

But, by the end of that first mile my mood had already improved and I decided to pass the turn I would have made if I wanted a shorter hike. I went on because I really wanted to get out onto the trail through the open field to enjoy the colors of the autumn grasses during the golden hour. The sun, and Della's eyes, did not disappoint. 

At the end of the second mile I had to be realistic about the distance I could expect to cover with the remaining daylight, so I headed back, but we hit three miles sooner than expected and I convinced myself that there was time to walk one of my favorite trail segments and still make it back before dark. We emerged from the woods back at the trailhead where we had started at 3.9 miles and made it an even four miles with a quick loop around the parking lot. I could have gone on for a few more miles, but the lack of daylight dictated that we stop. 

Seeing the almost-full moon rising in the clear sky as the last light of day was fading was an added bonus on the drive home. I'm obviously glad I went and I will try to do it again tomorrow. 

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