Saturday, November 4, 2023

Out and about

Friday afternoon I was out and about with Della and Elvis for a four mile hike on a beautiful afternoon, at Della's pace.

4 miles

Friday evening, Clay and Bailey and I were out and about with a group called Out and About, which is a gay social group of sorts that has meet ups in various places. Friday evening they were at Superfly Brewery. Clay and I had been to this new brewery once, the week before, and we went again. Everyone liked Bailey and she did very well in the middle of a crowd of strangers. It was a good opportunity to practice our "get close" command, where she sits between my legs and makes both of us feel more secure. Clay is more social than Bailey or me, but we went and it didn't kill us so I'm sure it made us stronger, if not actually more social. It was quite nice, there was a good turnout, and we plan to attend more of their events in the future.

Afterwards we went to Decipher for pizza and another beer.

Saturday morning I did some fall cleanup in the container garden. We had a hard freeze last week so everything was dead and needing to be cleaned up. The leaves are really piled up deep this year too. What I did was just barely a start but it's more than I do most years. Usually I just leave it all until next spring, but I needed to empty some fountains and put things away, so I cleaned up some of the flower pots as well. I'll do more tomorrow and hopefully have it done by spring.


Paisley and Elvis

Dodger hangs out with us outdoors now too.


Dodger and Candice

Della, in her supervisory position in the back of the van.

Paisley and Elvis


We went to town on some errands, had lunch, and dropped off a bunch of coats for a coat drive. We got back home with enough remaining daylight for a 2.5 mile walk with Bailey and Dodger.

This pair walks and plays well together.
I think Bailey is good for his confidence.

2.5 miles in the woods. 
We saw several deer and squirrels, and only one person.

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