Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Gigi cuts class

Cosette has complete heterochromia,
one eye is brown and the other is blue.
This was the third week of our dog training/socialization class, but Gigi skipped it.  She wasn't feeling well, probably as a result of eating mud again, which gave her diarrhea pre-dawn on Monday.  I didn't feed her Monday and she clearly wasn't feeling well.  I resisted the temptation to make another run to the emergency vet and she seemed a little perkier Tuesday morning.  She seemed interested in eating and I gave her some food, but less than her usual amount and she didn't even finish all of that.  I called the teacher and wrote her a note excusing her from class, but I went without her.

Cosette is putting on weight,
which she really needed.
Cosette is a sweet girl and is very food
motivated.  If I wasn't passing out treats she
would look around for someone who was.
My darling Cosette
Gigi was happy with that arrangement since she doesn't see the need for a training class anyway.  She has me pretty well trained already.  If it was a class on how to manipulate dad to get anything you want, she might be interested.  Come to think of it, she'd be teaching that class.

I dutifully went to class to learn what I could without her, and I handled the instructor's foster in Gigi's absence.  My darling Cosette is much more socialable than Gigi, and well, she's a dog.  I had a treat bag full of cut up hotdogs.  We got along fine.

1 comment:

BudsBuddy said...

Hope Gigi is feeling better. Cosette is indeed a darling!