Friday, May 31, 2013

Herc's weight problem

Hercules in my van on the way to the vet's office.
He really is a good looking dog.
Herc had a cat encounter at the vet's office,
he's not a fan.
So, it's been a few weeks now that Hercules has been on the pancreatic enzyme supplement.  He's also on a strict diet of a very pricey, limited ingredient dog food made by Natural Balance.  Today I took him to the vet's office to be weighed and he had lost weight, tipping the scales at barely 74 pounds. 

I'm going to keep him on the enzyme supplement and go back to giving him raw chicken backs like Zachary eats.  I may also dump the expensive dry food and just feed him my regular foster dry food mix that all the others eat. 

I was disappointed, I was really hoping we had this guy in the fast lane on the road to Wellville.  I had him up to almost 80 pounds eating the raw food before, so I hope he gets back there soon.  There's something he gets from it that seems to be what made the difference for him.  Zachary is the same way. 

Herc winking at the camera,
don't ask me why, must be the flash.
At the vet's office.  We went twice today because
I forgot to pick up some meds the first time.

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