Monday, May 14, 2018

What am I supposed to do about it?

Maya and Trooper snagged the most coveted spot, under the
desk and nearest to my feet. Trooper is storm phobic. I don't
think Maya is particularly, but she's always at my feet anyway
and she's always near Trooper when he's upset.
We had a thunderstorm this evening; everyone around here did. It was a pretty good one in terms of thunder and lightning, and we got enough rain that I didn't need to water. I had six dogs at my feet, wrapped around me in a semicircle, all looking at me as if they expected me to do something to forestall the apparently imminent end of the world. The only reason there weren't more is because I crated Max and Rugger and Theo was downstairs with Clay.
Sparky is stoic about it, but he really doesn't like storms either.

What I did was try to continue to work, although the power flashed on and off a couple times, once because Vince sat on the power cord and pulled it out of the wall. Whatever I did, it seemed to work because the storm passed and we were all still here. I'm pretty sure I got credit for it and I'll take it. I need to rack up some points in my favor because I'm bound to lose some when I go away for another week on Wednesday.

I picked up Scarlett this afternoon. She's with
us just until Thursday morning.

Vince may not hear so well anymore, but he
sure heard the thunder from this storm.
He works up a full blown panic attack.

Sparky and Trooper sharing a bed. They don't
do so normally, but these were desperate times.

Maya could probably have slept through it if the other dogs
hadn't been crowding into her space.

Scarlett's head popped up between my legs
fairly often during the storm.
I don't know that TJ is particularly scared, but
everyone else was gathered in close so he was too.

Poor Vince is just inconsolable during a storm.
Although his hearing is getting worse I think he
fear reaction is getting worse too. 


Byron's Mom said...

OMG- I have to say that these pics of these big pups being nervous are very cute. Sparky and Trooper on the same bed!!! Whoa! My smallest dog is afraid during the storms and I told her this morning that she's not alone- big pups get scared too. :-)

Anonymous said...

We had a bad night too. My little girl Ruby (shepherd/hound mix) had a full blown panic attack. My husky/shepherd was not the least bit phased. More storms coming tonight. :(
