Friday, April 19, 2019

Former Foster Pics

This representation of joy is Oberon, Obi, from California.
I think the last post I did with pictures of former fosters was back at Christmas. We are more than a quarter of the way the new year, so it's time for another. I know I've missed some that folks have sent me. They don't always make it off my phone and into the folder on my desktop. So I apologize if I've missed your pup, but please keep the pictures coming. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is guaranteed to make my day like pictures of former fosters.
This is Angel after being adopted after being
returned from the first adopters. Proof that I
can and do make mistakes and that people can
fool you. But I think we got it right eventually.

This is Chester who recently graduated. He learned real fast
that humans produce treats for certain behaviors.

This is Otis, making himself comfortable.

The Goddess Athena, with one of her children.

This is Carly, sweet rottie girl in a great rottie home.

This is Reka, who was not, strictly speaking, one of my
fosters, but I helped bring pup and adopter together, and
she's part of my family, both human and canine.

Reka is in that awkward stage, trying to decide if she wants
to make the commitment to keeping those ears up all the
time. It's a big decision for a small pup to make so she's
trying out different configurations daily.

This beauty is named Scarlet. She was Mila when I had her
as a pup. She has grown up beautifully, as I knew she would.

Daphne passed away just a few days ago. I'm very sad for her owner who now finds her house
to be very empty. But she gave Daphne a wonderful life and the best care imaginable, and the
best send off when it was time to let go. I wish I could heal her sadness and this will make it
worse for a while, but I have nothing but gratitude, respect, and love for the woman who gave
Daphne a home in her heart. That home will never be empty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing these former foster pics.. once again, seeing them happy and thriving makes my day.
