Thursday, April 18, 2019

Time for a Walk

When Maya and Serena start playing like this indoors, it's time for a walk.

I didn't get out yesterday because I had walked six miles the day before and thought I needed a break, and besides, I needed to mow. But the girls were restless today and it was another nice one, so out we went.

After I stuck my camera down to take a picture
of the fiddleheads of the sprouting fern, Maya
came over in investigate but found it lacking.

I missed the picture, but Serena went nose-to-nose with a
butterfly on these wildflowers.

The wildflowers do seem to have benefited
from all the rain we've had since last summer.

The dogwood is both the state tree and the state flower of Virginia.

Great Danes were bred to hunt much larger
game, but Serena is willing to start small.
The girls spotted a rabbit. It might have been
the Easter Bunny.

I never get tired of seeing this girl's face.

The final mile of our hike was directly into
the late day sun. We were hot and tired.
Notice that while Serena is walking next to me,
Maya is walking behind, in my shadow.
That girl is smart.

The "walking lean."

I picked up these two girls this evening for Promises Animal Rescue. That's Coco on the left
and Nala on the right. They came from Tennessee and are moving on to foster homes this weekend.

Our five mile route today.

Since the dogwood already has the state tree title, I think
they should have made the buttercup the state flower.

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