Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Just a Tuesday in April

Some folks are celebrating UVA's win in the sportsball thing, but for me and the pack it was just another Tuesday in April.

Cash is really settling in. He barked this morning like he wanted outside, even though the door from the kitchen to the AC yard was standing open. I think he was probably accustomed to being turned out on his own and that's what he wanted. I wasn't really ready to do that yet. I had been taking him out on a leash, but this morning I took him out to the front yard off leash, along with Serena and Trooper. He just did his thing, exploring the territory, but he didn't make any effort to get out of the fence.

Trooper, Cash, and Serena checking out the boxwood out
by the gate. The neighbor dogs come over and mark it when
they can. Now whenever Serena goes outside, she does her
big bark and runs over to that corner of the yard.
This afternoon I took Trooper, Maya, and Serena on a three mile hike. That was pushing it for Trooper but we took it slow and stopped several times. Two miles on flat ground should be considered to be his limit, especially as it gets warmer. But he wanted to go and he enjoyed it, as did the two girls.

After the hike I did some mowing, with Cash, Serena, and Theo running around in the yard. Cash explored a bit of the pasture too. The grass is growing fast, the weeds are growing faster. This is the time of year I have to keep running just to keep up with all the things to do.

Cash is learning the territory.


Trooper, Serena, and Maya on today's hike.

Lined up by size.

A rare picture of Theo outside without a tennis ball.

Cash exploring the pasture.

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