Wednesday, May 15, 2019


I've made it my goal to walk at least four miles a day. That's not really that much but I need to make it a consistent habit again.

I've been doing two, two-mile walks most days in order to get more dogs exercised. Today, however, I took all three girls and made it one, four-mile hike. I wish I had time to do more, but I've gotta work and soon I need to start some serious yard work. The weather has been beautiful. Here's some pics.

Trooper and Maya always walk well together.

Serena and Lily just like to walk, any time, any where, with any one. If we see people they both
want to go meet them, although we generally don't.

Serena pulled hard today, especially after Maya spotted a deer.

It was nice today but it was warm in the sun and Lily's
short legs had to work hard to keep up with Serena's pace.
When we got to the stream she did the smart thing and laid
down in it to cool off. We waited until she was ready to go.

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