Monday, May 20, 2019

National Rescue Dog Day

How did anyone ever know about stuff like this before Facebook? I'm guessing that without Facebook very few knew that this is National Rescue Dog Day. I don't know who made it up, but it obviously wasn't a presidential proclamation from the current occupant of that office, who wouldn't have been able to stand the fact that his popularity would pale in comparison to even the mangiest mutt.

Our numbers may have dipped into single digits, but we still have seven rescue dogs around here. This afternoon I took four of them (Pan, Theo, Serena, and Max) out to the pasture for a run.
That's Pan with his tail held high.

Pan had been wondering if we ever do anything fun here.

Pan and Theo, tongues out.
Serena is substantially taller than Theo.

Pan (sitting down), Serena, and Theo.

Serena on the run

Max was more social today than he is if we play ball.

Max was actually taking an interest in what the
other dogs were doing.

Pan in front, Serena with her nose in the air for
some reason, and Theo, standing sedately. 
Serena strolls


Max in front, then Theo, and Serena is
hidden behind Theo.

Serena in back, Theo in front.

Serena, Pan, and Max, watching kids and a small dog next door.

Serena and Theo

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