Sunday, July 12, 2020

Puppy Meeting

Friends and former adopters Mark and Carla came out Sunday afternoon to meet, greet, and play with the three mini-Troopers.

The pups are eight weeks old today. They will get their second round of puppy vaccines at nine weeks and then I guess I'll be ready to let them go. The time has sort of sneaked up on me.

They finally all got into the ballpit together, but the water tank
is still much more their speed. 
They are adorable and they really like human attention. They haven't been able to meet a lot of people around here, but there's been a few and they certainly show no fear of new people, quite the opposite in fact.

I've been unable to give Luna space separate but accessible to the pups ever since they learned to climb over the barrier. I think she's been weaning them herself, but I started bringing Luna indoors today and will for the first time tonight as well so the pups will be totally on their own. That's one more item they need checked off before adoption. I've also moved their bed into a crate to give them that experience.

I could have made it easier for them to get into and out of the
water tank, but they manage and I decided it was good for
them in terms of learning to coordinate those rear legs.

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