Sunday, July 19, 2020

Go forth and conquer

It was a weekend of send offs for the mini-Troopers. Two went home Saturday and the third left here Sunday morning.

Sure it was bittersweet, but it was time. They are ready for their next adventures in life, and their next level of development, and that needs to happen in their new homes. We still have 12 adult dogs here and that's more than enough to keep me busy. Our electric bill could use a break after running two window unit air conditioners in the puppy palace 24 hours a day to keep them cool and comfortable.

They are bright, inquisitive pups, well socialized for their age, and I think we gave them the best we could for the first nine weeks of their lives.

In the words of Atticus Poetry:

“Go forth and conquer
for the world is small
and you are the giant
and in every step
you take will make the ground shake
as it rises
to meet you”

The linoleum floor is pretty torn up now and will be removed.

This girl took a final dip in the water tank before she left.

This little girl was not happy being
alone after the other two left.
Luna spent the rest of the day and last night
with her so she wouldn't be alone.

Like many of us, this adopter likes to hide
behind her dog in pictures.

Before any of the pups went home, the
tiniest Trooper spread his wings Saturday
morning. Neighbors came and released in the
flamingo garden a monarch butterfly that they
had raised and named Trooper.

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