Sunday, August 16, 2020

Little Man

 Clay's brother Hugh lives in New York and he's been wanting a dog. We don't normally foster a lot of dogs that would be appropriate for condo dwelling city life, but I've been looking. Green Dogs took in  five dogs from Alabama, believed to be from the same litter who have been living in someone's back yard their whole life. They were said to be yorkie mixes, but they look bigger than yorkies to me, but definitely are some variety and mixture of a terrier type breed. 

They didn't really have names because they were just backyard dogs, but this one was called "Little Man." Pictures were sent and Hugh liked him. They arrived Saturday evening after being speutered and vaccinated in Alabama. I picked him up and got him home barely before dark. We did a few introductions but he was understandably overwhelmed by everything so I just set him up in a crate in my office, next to Lady, where he could observe and get acquainted from a position of safety. 

He seems like a sweet little guy, maybe 35-40 pounds?, and he was fine in the crate overnight. He met a few more of the dogs in the morning and he's fine with everyone, if still a bit overwhelmed. Sunday afternoon we went to town to meet Berta (Clay and Hugh's mother) and her cat, Portia. He didn't seem to have any idea what the cat was about, but the cat certainly didn't see him as a threat. 

Sunday evening I took Little Man and Lady on a two mile walk at Pleasant Grove, the first for both of them. Little Man walked very nicely, mostly sticking close to me on my left, never pulling. Lady showed off the bird dog genes in her. She had her nose to the ground the entire time, sniffing through the grass, and she was out front the entire way, or pulling back and forth. I stopped for poop and pee but not for sniffing. They got a tough love walking lesson, but we were working on last light and I didn't have time for that nonsense. 

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

He is adorable! What a cutie!!!