Thursday, August 6, 2020

The Shepherd Trio

I took Maya, Bruno, and Luna for a walk today. It's the first time in a long time that I've walked three dogs at once but adding Maya to any other pair of dogs doesn't add too much difficulty. Handling three leashes does result in more exercise for my arms and upper back, however. Even if they aren't pulling, they do change positions pretty often which results in a lot of leash work on my part. 
When we are on a trail that's narrowly confined by the woods, I generally had one dog out front and one close by on each side. When we are out in the open, Luna goes far to my right and Bruno goes far to my left. They don't pull forward, but each tries to pull in their respective directions. I just let them pull against each other and Maya and I keep the forward momentum going. 

It was hot but not unbearable and everyone had a good walk. There's a nice shady spot where I've been stopping on the second half of the walk. There's a rock that I sit on and the dogs spread out around me in the shade. We sit and cool off for a bit because the remainder of the walk is out in full sun.

The layout of pictures is wonky because Blogger introduced a new system and I can't figure it out. It probably doesn't appear any different if you are viewing this on a phone or tablet, but I can't layout the photos the way I used to and I haven't figured out how to apply captions to them yet either. Thanks, Blogger for this "improvement" that fixed nothing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's an impressive group!