Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Gracious Greta

Greta was left behind when her former owners moved, just abandoned. She had puppies when she was rescued and taken to the shelter. They went their separate ways and Greta came to us. She is 3-5 years old and has now been spayed. People constantly amaze me, more often in bad ways than good, but I really can't fathom why anyone would neglect and then abandon this wonderful dog. She took a couple days to get used to the other dogs, I expect she had always been an only. But she now lives with 9-10 others and gets along fine, although her main interest is her people, not other dogs. That's just so shepherd. 

Her house manners are flawless and have been from the start. I guess we crated her in the beginning, but that was obviously new to her and she soon convinced us it was unnecessary. She is not crated at night nor when we leave the house. We had that one flight incident in the beginning, but she wasn't homed here yet and hadn't yet bonded to us. Again, that's just shepherd.

She's the easiest dog to walk on a leash that I've ever had, all my personal dogs past and present included. I took her out on a three mile walk with Maya again this morning. That's when these pictures were taken. 

I'm still trying to put some weight on her. In addition to a good amount of regular dry dog food, she's eating Satin Balls now along with Theo. I'm mixing up another 10 pounds of the stuff tonight. Her appetite is good and her poop is good. I think she was just so depleted from trying to raise puppies without any food that it's taking her body a while to recover.

Interested in a nice, quiet, easy going, female shepherd? I would have sworn there was no such thing, but Greta has proved me wrong. She'd be quite happy as an only dog and will be a constant companion to that lucky person. Greta is ready for adoption and is available through Green Dogs Unleashed

The heat is rough on black dogs and she's really not in shape for it. 
I cut my planned route short to get over to Sparky's Watering Hole for a cool dip and drink.
Her walks will be earlier in the morning from now on.

She was thinking about laying down in it. We stayed until she was cooled off.


Rachel said...

She's such a pretty girl.

Anonymous said...

She's gorgeous. You should have no trouble finding her a home