Thursday, April 29, 2021

Getting on with it

Here's a run down of current conditions:

Theo is doing as well as can be expected I guess. He's getting some additional pain meds now that do seem to have helped some, although we had to get up at 4:00 a.m. to this morning for an extra dose. The vet's suggested three times a day for the gabapentin and tramadol is likely to become four times a day instead. Having recently seen my mother suffer with a tumor on her spine, I'm not inclined to let this go on too long and we will give him as much pain relief as possible. 

Della has resumed farm dog duties, at least to the extent that I allow her to do so. I'm still not letting her and Serena out together because she doesn't need to engage in that level of play, but she does enjoy being outdoors with me when I'm planting. She has finished her antibiotics and I stopped the pain meds on her as well. I don't think she's hurting. This Saturday will be two weeks since the incident so her stitches will be due to come out early next week. 

Both recent spays, Greta and Callie, are doing fine, no problems. Greta seems to be fully recovered as does Callie, who now spends the days with Delgado out in Daneland. I bring Callie in and crate her at night still. Delgado and Greta spend the nights downstairs without being crated and both have been very good.

I tried Delgado without his cone one evening, but he went right back to licking that paw with the missing toe so I put it back on him. If he's not reclaimed by the owner on Saturday, he will become our dog and will officially be a foster on Sunday. I actually hope that's the way this plays out. 

We have one of Della's pups, Killian, with us until Saturday! He's a very sweet boy who was happier to see his mother than she was to see him. Is that how parents feel when one of their kids moves back home after college? 

Della is feeling good again and she's not fighting the cone.

Theo gets around amazingly well on just three legs.

A lot of a farm dog's duties are supervisory and can be performed from a soft bed
in the open back end of the van.

Serena is being very tolerant of the changes in her own activities.

Killian, meeting Theo

Maya and Greta checking out Killian

Killian is big enough for Theo, Greta, and Maya to all sniff him at the same time.

Killian and Della

I told her it's only for a few days. She looks skeptical.

1 comment:

Scott Rothe said...

I still think my parents bribed my MPA advisor to find me a job in 1984. If so, it was a good investment. It had been a long summer.