Monday, May 17, 2021


The garden is beginning to produce color and I've included some pictures here, but I'm mostly referring to the promising and healthy development of Lucky. At least I hope it's a healthy development and not an unhealthy attachment. Lucky now loves me and trusts me completely. And I trust her. As you see in these pictures, I can now take her out in the yard with the Danes, off leash. She is rarely out of sight and immediately comes when I call. She's still a little suspicious of and cautious around Clay, but she will come to him when he calls as well. 

She has even tried to engage the other dogs in play. She tried, but failed with Arby, Della, and Serena, all of whom just looked at her like she was crazy. But she tried. The other development since she has decided that I am her human and this is her home, is that she now barks at other people, something she never did before. She has a pretty good bark too, but she will run up to people and check them out, but that's as far as it goes. That development probably cost her a new home today, but we will have to find her a home that works for her. She definitely seems to have a preference for women over men, which may be a big part of why it took her two weeks to settle in here. But she has learned that not all men are monsters at least. 

The very best news came this evening at dinner time, when she ate dry dog food by itself for the first time. That is actually a HUGE development (forgive the capital letters). She's been eating fairly well at least once a day if I cover a small amount of dog food with a good amount of canned chicken or Satin Balls. She eats in Theo's feeding spot and Maya comes over after she has finished her own to check on Lucky's progress. I think that Maya looking over her shoulder has definitely encouraged Lucky to eat because she knows if she walks away from it, it will be gone. This evening I fed Lucky last because I hadn't even brought in food for her initially. By the time I was back inside with Lucky's food, Maya had finished hers and came over to see what Lucky was getting. Lucky put her head in the dish and started eating and didn't stop until it was gone. 

Eating dinner doesn't sound like it, but it was a big milestone for this dog. Now I need to work on her socialization with people. We may have to do some walks in Charlottesville this week. 

Here is Lucky trying to engage Arby in play.

Arby does not play.

These snapdragons are so far along because they overwintered from last year.

Everything needs some warmth and sunshine, but I think we are about 
to get more warmth than we need this time of year.

Lucky with Della

And with Serena. 

Serena and flamingos

I put together this spot on an old stump because my wave petunias were
not getting enough sun in the circular driveway bed. They will here and should
cascade down the sides of the stump in a riot of colorful blooms. 

This is the best picture, Lucky eating plain dog food.

Lucky running with Callie in the pasture today.

The trio of fosters: Lucky, Griff, and Callie

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

Love all the pics and the progress with Lucky! She's one beautiful girl!