Saturday, May 25, 2024

Projects and progress


Candace and Ford

I had to take the Daneland gate to a guy to repair two welds that had broken,
thanks to Norman

Even with the welds repaired, Norman managed to push open the gate, necessitating a second latch installed in the opposite direction. It now takes two hands to open the gate. However, this evening Norman got out of Daneland some other way that I've yet to discover. I'm afraid he climbed the fence. He demands his evening pasture time.

This is Norman's bedroom, now with a dividing fence to keep dogs on one side and my stuff on the other. Norman didn't bother any of my stuff even before the fence was installed, but now it's suitable for other foster dogs who might.

Della and Bailey playing indoors in the morning.

This is another recent project, shown here after being cleaned up with a steel brush and a coat of rust reformer. Another coat or two of paint tomorrow and it will be done. I think it will go on the front porch with crocks and rocks that came from my sister. 

Bailey loves to play with the hose when I'm watering, but she will stop when I ask her to so I can actually water the plants. It's a great game on a hot day like today.

Candace, taking a stroll through the garden.

Ford, I'm taking him to meet a potential adopter Sunday morning.

Bailey, always on the move.

Beautiful primroses from my neighbor Jan.

This was the big project for the day. I finished laying the slate in the area between the boxwoods. I still need to do some adjusting and leveling, but the stones are in place and I had enough to finish.

I started this two years ago, so it was time to get it finished. I wanted to get this finished and looking good because I'd like to have some people over to see the gardens later this spring and/or summer.

And here are a few garden/fountain pictures, just because.

This container full of cannas actually came back from last year.

The morning glory vines are taking off.

And here's a video of Bailey playing in the water. It's a full body contact sport the way she plays it.

1 comment:

Dana said...

The slate looks good! I hope the adoption for Ford is a good fit!