Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Wet walks

Our power went out sometime after 5:00 a.m. Wednesday morning and the silence was deafening. You never realize how many ambient sounds your house makes until they cut off simultaneously and completely. It woke us up. I was sure it was due to all this damn rain we've been having, but it wasn't cold and it wasn't hot, so there really was no emergency that required me to go out in the rain and fire up the generator. Eventually, the dogs insisted on getting up even though I told them I wasn't feeding anyone until the rain stopped. 

It did stop, more or less, and I got the dogs fed but couldn't work without the internet so I decided to take Bailey out on a walk. The trails would have been very muddy so we just walked the two mile route on the road at the park. Not that interesting, but we had the place to ourselves, Bailey is entertained by just moving anywhere, and I had my headphones. We got back home and still had no power but it was still just barely raining, so I put Bailey out with Norman for the day and leashed up Woody. We went back to the park and did the same route. Woody's ear is healing and looking better but I'm not taking any chances so I'm not letting him play with Bailey and/or Norman. Consequently he's pretty bored and was overjoyed to be going out for a walk.

Eventually the power was restored and I needed to work the rest of the day but after work I took Bailey and Elvis back up to the park and we stretched it into a three mile walk in the evening.

I made another batch of soup for Marvel this afternoon, cream of chicken with rice this time. She likes it and Della had some too. She is now using the doggie door in the shed and doing all her business outside. I really appreciate that, plus she's doing all the puppy clean up still. I'll take her another bowl of puppy food with soup before bedtime. 

A couple of CVEC trucks along Rt. 53. We never heard what the problem was, but they eventually found and fixed it.

Woody is very attentive when we walk, always looking back at me.

We didn't see any deer, but she did spot a ground hog, which I think was new to her.

Marvel is very happy to see me, even if I don't bring soup. But I usually do.

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