Saturday, September 28, 2024

A sunny Saturday

Hurricane Helene gave us a weird weather pattern. We got some rain but no storm to speak of on Friday, but the storm moved west as it went north, so we had a sunny day today. Quite a beautiful day in fact and I took advantage of it by getting much of the grass mowed while it was possible to do so. We will be getting some more rain from Helene as the remnants are finally pushed east again by the prevailing currents, starting Sunday evening and lasting into Tuesday as currently forecast. Today was definitely the day to mow.

Jan and Paul came down to visit Della, bringing chunks of salmon which she very much enjoyed, but I think she enjoyed the visit and attention just as much. 

I delivered one of the doberman pups, Cara, to a new foster home Saturday morning, and then put the sole remaining dobie pup, Rex, out in Daneland with Norman and Bailey for the day. Bailey was a bit much for him. I'll just give him Norman alone tomorrow, but then Rex also has a new foster home to move to early next week. I made arrangements to farm out Marvel and the puppies to another foster home as well, reducing the load for our house sitter to manage while we are gone. 

The puppies still have their eyes closed but they are getting more physically active and mobile, although they still can't really walk. Marvel is more comfortable spending at least some time outside, away from the pups, enough to bark at the other dogs. She continues to enjoy my soup in two of her four daily feedings, and she's getting some plain yogurt and cottage cheese mixed with her dry food for the other two. 

Della was outside with me when Jan and Paul came walking up the road. She took off running to the front fence, on three legs, as soon as she spotted them.

Marvel had never met Jan and Paul but she greeted them like old friends, even in the presence of her puppies. This girl really likes, and trusts, people. 

Fortunately, all the identifying colored collars have stayed on.

My soup gets better reviews from Marvel than from Clay. That may say more about my cooking than anything else, but make of that what you will. 

Clean space and clean blanket after this evening's weigh-in.

They are much more mobile today, and more vocal too.

Everyone posted good weight gains today.

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