Monday, September 23, 2024

End of summer camp

Sunday was officially the first day of autumn, but today was the official end of our summer camp operation. Killian went home a week ago, Bette last Friday, and today Rocket went home again, leaving just our dogs and the fosters. We have never done as much summer vacation boarding as we did this year but nearly all of them were former fosters and I find it hard to say no to them. Besides, it was fun, and it will be paying for the house sitter and boarding of our own dogs for our upcoming vacation in October.

I took Rocket out with Bailey for our late afternoon four mile hike. They both wore gentle leaders, a real back saver for me, and having one in each hand balanced the load on my back. We spotted some deer, but Rocket just followed Bailey's lead and did the stop and stare routine. It's beginning to look and feel like fall in the woods. The recent rain has sprouted a crop of bright white mushrooms popping up all over that really stand out against the fallen leaves and the remaining green ferns. The sumac is red already, and some of the leaves of the understory are changing to yellow, a process that will be accelerating in coming days. I'm really liking this four mile route, it's a good length and a nice section of trails. Our only human encounter was one mountain biker on a nearby trail. 

Marvel is finally stepping away from the puppies, at least a short distance for very short periods. I got her to go outside a couple of times and I saw that she went out at least once on her own. Today I gave her plain yogurt on her dry food for one meal. I may alternate between that and the soup, which I'll need to make more of tomorrow. I finally got the puppies distinguished, identified, named, and collared. I'm making a growth chart and will do formal introductions of them all probably in tomorrow's post.

Marvel is seeking more human attention and contact now,
but she's still never far from her babies.

This is a fairly typical puppy sleeping position.

They can move around when they want to, but they mostly move together and with Marvel.

I've got two cameras on them at night and this is what I usually see.
I love it when I can see five little tags wagging as they feed.
I've only gone out there once in the middle of the night when one pup seemed to be stuck behind and underneath her.

She's got a pretty smile.

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