Irene is a dog who needs to trust someone. She won't come to me at home, but when we are out in public she sticks to me like glue. I think she will soon learn to trust and love him, if for no other reason, because he's the only game in town. He also has a youngish Pyr mix that reminded me a lot of Buck.

I found so many versions of "Goodnight Irene" on youtube that I did a little searching and learned that it a folksong of unknown origin, but Leadbelly had made a very early recording of the song. According to Wikipedia:
The lyrics tell of the singer's troubled past with his love, Irene, and express his sadness and frustration. Several verses make explicit reference to suicidal fantasies, most famously in the line "sometimes I take a great notion to jump in the river and drown," which was the inspiration for the 1964 Ken Kesey novel "Sometimes a Great Notion."

For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside,
that it aint' no sin to be glad you're alive...
which is sort of the antithesis of the suicidal thought expressed in Irene.
Yes, I am sober, it's the middle for day for christ's sake, this is just how my mind rambles. But in any event, Goodnight Irene is a sad and beautiful song. I finally lit on the version done by Johnny Cash to link up to here, because it is probably the way I first heard it, on an old LP, probably at my grandparents' house.
Yay! I am so happy! Best of luck for my Big Boy too!! :) I really hope Irene works out! I'm sure she will though, because I don't think you'd of given her to someone who wouldn't be able to meet her needs! This makes me happy!!! :)
There's a version of Goodnight Irene by Willie Nelson that I like on YouTube!
I am really happy for Irene, these dogs deserve attention and love. I have Hope (Lily) and the two are very similar. These poor dogs have been through a lot. It will take time and patients to gain their trust. Once in a while Hope lets me pet her, when we hang out on the front porch. It's like she is giving me a little gift, because she knows it means a lot to me. Thinking of Irene...
Best wishes for Irene, Big Boy, and Hope. We adopted a very fearful rottie a year ago in Feb. He has made amazing progress, at first he would growl at people just for looking at him! You would never know he is the same dog now, he is a big baby with us and is relaxed with visitors. Time and love heal many wounds ...
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